doings :: this past week {6-12 july}

Last week, the two week honeymoon following Elsa’s birth ended. It was time to start adjusting back to daily life, now with a new baby. We took it slow, keeping our days mostly unscheduled.

Here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to.

:: Registering Elsa’s birth with the village of Landstuhl (where she was born).
:: Filling out all the paperwork and gathering needed documents to apply for her SSN, Passport and Report of Birth Abroad. It is quite a process.
:: Sadly saying goodbye to Papa each morning as he returned to work.
:: Feeling grateful for successful pumping, bottle feeding and an awesome husband who gave me a few hours out with girlfriends at the Italian Nights fest in Kusel on Friday night.
:: Scheduling 6 week postpartum/well baby check-ups.
:: Celebrating reaching pre-pregnancy weight by packing up the maternity wardrobe that was generously lended to me (thanks Tiff!).
:: Planning a Jurassic World themed birthday party for our oldest who is turning 10(!!!) in a few weeks.
:: Loving this sweet song Ari made up and sings for Elsa (turn up the volume!) “Go to Sleep Little Elsa”

:: Counting down the last days of school.
:: Picking cherries from the trees in our garden.
:: Packing up newborn size clothes/cloth diapers that are already too small.
:: Watching this sweet little girl as she naps on the porch on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

:: Holding her close.
:: Kissing her soft cheeks.
:: Falling more and more in love with her.


Still in disbelief that she is really ours!



this moment :: 29 may

Soccer, or fußball, is the national sport of Germany.  Germans take the sport seriously… very seriously.  Children begin training at an early age, around three years old, and train all year long. At school, it is played during recess and after school the neighborhood kids frequently gather at the local sportzplatz (soccer field).

When Andy said he was interested in playing on a local team, it took us a bit by surprise as we know virtually nothing about the game and Jay, in particular, stinks at the sport.  We were also nervous for Andy, wondering if he would fit in, seeing as the majority of his peers have been playing for several years.  Andy was insistent though so we started taking him to training. He has stuck with it and after several training sessions that allowed him to try it out, he was asked to join the team. Andy is now a passport (yes, he has an actual passport for the team) carrying member of SG Neunkirchen/Föckelberg F-Jungend!

We are so proud of him and his courage to stretch outside of his comfort zone and proud of ourselves for not poisoning him with our anti-soccer propaganda.


Wishing you a great last weekend of May. Is it just me, or did the month fly by!?

I have a feeling June will be an exciting month around here!



{joining :: soulemama}

this moment :: 8 may

I just keep falling in love… ARIThisMoment8May

We’ve got a celebratory weekend ahead of us. Starting with Andy’s birthday party with friends tomorrow. On Sunday we will celebrate a special Mother’s Day as it falls on Andy’s birthday this year! Steak, cake, and gifts!!

Wishing a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend to all the nurturing, amazing women I am blessed with having in my life.



{joining :: soulemama}

this moment :: 1 may


We wrapped up another swim session yesterday.  Each session consists of eight classes given for an hour three times a week.  Parents are not allowed in the pool area during class.  The last day of the session is reserved as a ‘show’ day.  On that day, we can go in the pool area and watch the class to see progress made.

I always well up with pride when I see how dedicated and how hard the boys are working at becoming better swimmers. Ari, especially, looks to his big brothers for encouragement.  In this photo, Andy is cheering him on.

Happy May Day!  Wishing you all a lovely weekend.



{joining :: soulemama}

this moment :: 10 april

We are nearing the end of our two and a half week school break. Papa took this week off and we originally had travel plans. At the last minute we decided to scrap those plans and have a staycation. The weather has been magnificent, allowing us to spend most of our days outside.

It has been a wonderfully, relaxing week. Just what this Mama needed as I am slowing down entering the third trimester.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.



Lighting a candle today in remembrance of my Grandma P. Today would have been her 88th birthday.
We miss you, Grandma.

{joining :: soulemama}

this moment :: 21 weeks {27 february}

Sweet belly kisses like this one from Ari have made this pregnancy extra special. We took well over a dozen pictures as Ari kept saying ‘let’s do it again’!

We are a little more than halfway through this pregnancy and I’ve been feeling good. Here is some of what has been going on ::

:: Food cravings :: Surprisingly, I really haven’t had any.  My diet has consisted mostly of beans-it doesn’t matter what kind!, jalapenos, baked potatoes, pepper jack cheese sprinkled on everything, crunchy granola, clementines and COLD glasses of milk. Red meat is not that appealing to me so it’s chicken or turkey breast.
:: Sleep :: I am sleeping comfortably and deeply. After the first trimester, the frequent waking at night to go potty has ended (for now I guess!). There are about ten pillows on my bed that I arrange ‘just so’ each night before I crawl in. I’ve been thinking I should’ve invested in one of those full body maternity pillows!
:: Action in the womb :: Baby kicks are getting stronger and occur frequently throughout the day. I mostly feel them deep and low in my abdomen. They almost always to seem to begin when Jason is near. I am anxious for the boys to feel them for the first time. I find myself wanting to stop whatever it is that I am doing to sit and enjoy feeling the life inside of me.
:: Daily conversations :: Daily talk about this baby has all three boys curious and interested in the retelling of their own birth stories. It is one of my most favorite things to listen to Jason share each experience with the boys as he remembers. Their questions and commentary are priceless!
:: Baby names :: We each have a top three list of boy’s and girl’s names. Thankfully, Jay’s and mine match up pretty well. The boys have some pretty creative names that we will reserve to use as possible nicknames.
:: Gender reveal :: Our last visit to the doctor was almost four weeks ago. The position of the baby made it tricky to view the genital area on ultrasound.  So we left not knowing for certain.

The next appointment is on 3 March. We are looking forward to peeking in on baby and hopefully getting clarity on whether we will be welcoming a baby boy or girl!

Is there anyone who wants to offer up a guess!?




{joining :: soulemama}