elsa :: 8 month update

Didn’t I just post her 6 month update!?

Well, here we are already, Elsa at 8 months old ::

Weight :: 25lbs

Teeth :: Two bottom in since December. Currently cutting four top teeth ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! They have all broken through the gums. After these, I am hoping we will have a break in teething. So many, so fast…no fun.

Sleeping :: Not big on daytime naps, unless riding in the car which is good since we are on the go so much. She likes to be worn in the Tula baby carrier and will fall to sleep fast while in it. Nighttime sleeping has varied with her growth spurts in the last few months. She likes to go to bed late and sleep in late.

Eating :: She is still mostly nursing. Loves peas, bananas, apples, blueberries, carrots and salmon.

Hobbies :: She is a water baby, contented to stay in the water whether it is in her bath or at the pool. Playing peek-a-boo, her piano, clapping and smiling round out most of her days.

While she still is not crawling, her latest discovery is that the furniture is the perfect height to pull herself up on.  Cruising between the ottomans and the couches has become a favorite activity.

Just look at her go…!





I can vividly remember taking this photo of Ari at 8 months, standing proudly after pulling himself up on the same ottoman, just a few short years ago.

Here is a link to that post (with a video!) :: 8 months old!.




{52 project} :: 2016 edition

It has been a few years, since I first completed the {52 project} of weekly photos in 2013. It was a rewarding project that recorded a moment each week. I adore that collection of photos and have each week’s photo printed and framed in a gallery on our bedroom wall. That collection can be found digitally here :: {52 project}, 2013 edition or in the archives listed under project {52} :: a portrait a week {52} :: 2013.

We are nearing the end of the first full week of 2016 and I am excited to share with you the first photo in the {52 project}, 2016 edition. Yes, I am reviving the {52 project} this year!


I am looking forward to sharing with you each week.



elsa :: 6 month update

Now at six months old, two little teeth show when Elsa smiles. She carries on babbling conversations and is always wide-eyed with curiosity. She is the most easy going baby of the four and is adored by her brothers.


Age :: 6 months

Weight :: 21 lbs

Height :: a little over two feet tall

Milestones :: almost without warning, during the week of Christmas, her two bottom front teeth emerged! She is mostly sitting unassisted, except when she is tired. She is rolling front to back, holding her feet while on her back, rocking on all 4’s, scooting backwards while in crawling position, grabbing toys, waving, and moving toward objects with intent.

Sleeping :: she takes a few quick naps throughout the day and will sleep longer if she is held or riding in the car. At night she wakes several times to quickly nurse and then falls back to sleep. Co-sleeping continues to be the best way to keep her close for those night feedings and I, mostly, wake up feeling like I got a good night’s rest.

Foods :: she has been exclusively breast feeding up until last week when we gave her small chunks of banana. This week she had banana again and roughly mashed steamed carrot pieces. She seemed to enjoy both foods and fed herself. We are following the practice of baby-led weaning which allows babies to control their solid food consumption by “self-feeding” from the very beginning of their experiences with food.








Starting Elsa on her first foods is an exciting time, but we are going to take it slow.
It’s all happening way too fast!




this sweetie pie….2 months old

Summer has had us in full swing over here. The past four weeks have flown by and we are now in our final two weeks of summer break. As things are starting to wind down, we will be sharing what we’ve been up. But for now, a quick post with a few pics and a video of our 2 month old sweetie pie.






four weeks old & one from the archives :: alex’s first fest

Four weeks old and just as sweet as she can be.



As more of our friends and neighbors meet her, there are long gazes and speculation of who she most looks like. It is hard to say for certain. She is a great mix of all three boys, in one moment she can resemble Andy and the next Ari. Just yesterday, Papa commented that she looked like Alex in a dress!

What are your thoughts?


Nicknames so far :: Elsa-bel, Elsie, Elsa-baby, and Elsa-pie
Weight :: a few ounces shy of 10 lbs (at birth :: 8 lb 4 oz)
Length :: 21.25 in (at birth :: 20.5in)


Every year, on the third weekend in July, our village has a fest with a huge beer tent, bands, rides and games. We headed down Saturday night and again on Monday. Taking Elsa to her first fest at only a few weeks old made us remember when we took Alex to his first fest when he was a few weeks old, the Nuremberg Altstadtfest.

firstfest alex

Tomorrow is the last day of school and boy are we ever ready for summer break!!



doings :: this past week {6-12 july}

Last week, the two week honeymoon following Elsa’s birth ended. It was time to start adjusting back to daily life, now with a new baby. We took it slow, keeping our days mostly unscheduled.

Here’s a peek at what we’ve been up to.

:: Registering Elsa’s birth with the village of Landstuhl (where she was born).
:: Filling out all the paperwork and gathering needed documents to apply for her SSN, Passport and Report of Birth Abroad. It is quite a process.
:: Sadly saying goodbye to Papa each morning as he returned to work.
:: Feeling grateful for successful pumping, bottle feeding and an awesome husband who gave me a few hours out with girlfriends at the Italian Nights fest in Kusel on Friday night.
:: Scheduling 6 week postpartum/well baby check-ups.
:: Celebrating reaching pre-pregnancy weight by packing up the maternity wardrobe that was generously lended to me (thanks Tiff!).
:: Planning a Jurassic World themed birthday party for our oldest who is turning 10(!!!) in a few weeks.
:: Loving this sweet song Ari made up and sings for Elsa (turn up the volume!) “Go to Sleep Little Elsa”

:: Counting down the last days of school.
:: Picking cherries from the trees in our garden.
:: Packing up newborn size clothes/cloth diapers that are already too small.
:: Watching this sweet little girl as she naps on the porch on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

:: Holding her close.
:: Kissing her soft cheeks.
:: Falling more and more in love with her.


Still in disbelief that she is really ours!

