this moment :: 29 may

Soccer, or fußball, is the national sport of Germany.  Germans take the sport seriously… very seriously.  Children begin training at an early age, around three years old, and train all year long. At school, it is played during recess and after school the neighborhood kids frequently gather at the local sportzplatz (soccer field).

When Andy said he was interested in playing on a local team, it took us a bit by surprise as we know virtually nothing about the game and Jay, in particular, stinks at the sport.  We were also nervous for Andy, wondering if he would fit in, seeing as the majority of his peers have been playing for several years.  Andy was insistent though so we started taking him to training. He has stuck with it and after several training sessions that allowed him to try it out, he was asked to join the team. Andy is now a passport (yes, he has an actual passport for the team) carrying member of SG Neunkirchen/Föckelberg F-Jungend!

We are so proud of him and his courage to stretch outside of his comfort zone and proud of ourselves for not poisoning him with our anti-soccer propaganda.


Wishing you a great last weekend of May. Is it just me, or did the month fly by!?

I have a feeling June will be an exciting month around here!



{joining :: soulemama}

one from the archives :: three boys in the tub {2011}

Throwing it back to 2011. The boys trying out our new claw foot tub, shortly after moving into our new house in Germany. threeboysinatub2011

Even now they enjoy taking baths together. Usually only two at a time since they are bigger. When they finish and are all clean, the floor is flooded with water from practicing swimming techniques and water fights that break out. I take a deep breathe and think to myself, “That’s one way to get the floor washed!”
Ah, these fleeting childhood years.



Andy’s 7th birthday party

The boys were out of school yesterday and today for the German holiday, Christi Himmelfahrt known in English as Ascension Day.   It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter Monday.  The name comes from the New Testament, where it is described how Jesus ascended to heaven having shown himself to his apostles 40 days after the resurrection.  The Germans also celebrate Vatertag – Father’s Day on this day.

With a break in the regular shuttling of the boys here and there, I had some time to go through the photos we took at Andy’s birthday party last weekend.  Andy invited 6 friends from school, nine boys in total makes for a rambunctious group!  We played games, ate yummy food and celebrated our Andy.  He received lovely gifts and thanked everyone with a hug.  This sweet boy of ours is all heart and soul.

Thanks to everyone who sent gifts and birthday wishes.  You helped make his day extra special and we truly appreciate your thoughtfulness.

I hope you enjoy this short slideshow I put together to share with you.




this moment :: 1 may


We wrapped up another swim session yesterday.  Each session consists of eight classes given for an hour three times a week.  Parents are not allowed in the pool area during class.  The last day of the session is reserved as a ‘show’ day.  On that day, we can go in the pool area and watch the class to see progress made.

I always well up with pride when I see how dedicated and how hard the boys are working at becoming better swimmers. Ari, especially, looks to his big brothers for encouragement.  In this photo, Andy is cheering him on.

Happy May Day!  Wishing you all a lovely weekend.



{joining :: soulemama}