this moment :: 17 january

inspired by soulemama to share…

{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
A single photo – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple – special – extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause – savor and remember.

If you’re inspired to do the same, share with us by leaving a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments.



Wishing you a wonderful, sunny weekend.



this moment :: 3 january

inspired by soulemama to share…

{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
A single photo capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you’re inspired to do the same, share with us by leaving a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments.



Happy 2014!!

Wishing you all a healthy, happy year filled much love and many blessings.



52/52 :: {52 project}



So here it is, the final photo in the {52 project}. I made it all 52 weeks!!

This project really pushed me take my camera out each week and experiment with it. I hope you’ve enjoyed the photos as much as I have enjoyed sharing them with you. Your sweet comments encouraged me to see the project through all 52 weeks! Thanks for supporting me when I often wonder if anyone looks at this blog!

So what should my next project be!?

Much love to all,

mel ♥♥♥

this moment :: 27 december

inspired by soulemama to share…

{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
A single photo capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you’re inspired to do the same, share with us by leaving a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments.


“All we have is this moment, to put our love into motion.”


Much love to all,

mel ♥♥♥

this moment :: 20 december

inspired by soulemama to share…

{this moment}
A Friday ritual.
A single photo capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you’re inspired to do the same, share with us by leaving a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments.


“All we have is this moment, to put our love into motion.”

Hoping you feel all the love that surrounds you and your heart is at peace as we go into this last weekend before Christmas.

Much love to all,

mel ♥♥♥