one from the archives :: papa and alex {october 2005}


Throwing it back to a sweet moment captured between father and first born son.  Alex was a little over two months old.

Jay is an amazing Papa to our boys and partner in parenthood.  I am so looking forward to him meeting his little girl…soon!

Wishing all the great Dads we know a very Happy Father’s day!



4 and 44

We had a big week of birthday celebrations starting with Ari turning 4 on the 13th and Jay turning 44 yesterday. Considering we celebrated my birthday less than a month ago, that’s a lot of candles and cake y’all!

Ari4thbday1Ari was excited wear his number shirt and to bring mini chocolate muffins to share at his kindergarten birthday party.

After a dinner of his favorite, spaghetti & meatballs, it was time to blow out the candles. IMG_0119

No number shirt for Jay, but he did have a nice new Penn State pullover to sport! It looks great and fits well, Ema & Epa :)


My two January sweetie pies. JanuaryBoys

Pulled pork and coleslaw was Jay’s birthday dinner. We changed it up a bit and he blew his candles out on a cake of fudgy brownies which we made into brownie sundaes!

A big thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes and thoughtful gifts. We feel your love. ♥♥♥



hello, November


November 1st!! 2014 is winding down and the holidays are upon us. As I write this to you, we officially have 53 days, 13 hours, 5 minutes, and 2 seconds until CHRISTMAS!!! Track it yourself here :: Days til Christmas

We have an official holiday here today. All businesses and retail shops are closed for Allerheiligen {Saints’ Day – All Hallows}, observed by Christians to remember and commemorate the dead. Family members living out of town try to returned to their villages. The day is typically started with church service in the morning, “Allerheiligen Gottesdienst”. The sermon has do with “all saints”, all those, past and present who live a godly life. At noon there is a big family dinner followed by a procession to the cemetery. People visit and spruce up the graves of their loved ones with flower arrangements, a floral heart, a wreath, or a cross made of evergreens and pines. A candle in a large glass jar is then lit and left to burn with the idea that light is necessary for illumination and to see God. Walking through a Friedhof {cemetery}, especially this time of the year, is quite a peaceful experience. In the afternoon, another family gathering takes place at home for “Kaffee und Kuchen” {cake and coffee}. Tomorrow morning begins All Souls’ Day, there is another church service and prayers for the dead.

Halloween was fun last night. Germans are starting to catch onto Halloween, but are not yet going house to house knocking on doors and asking for candy. So we headed to Baumholder and went to the Trunk or Treat event on base and then went door to door there in the housing area. The boys’ made out pretty well. I vowed this year not to sneak candy from their bags and so far I am doing pretty good. It helps that Ari has been so generous in wanting to feed me, letting me taste the candy he likes or just wants to get rid of! Here are some pics from last night.






IMG_3609This is NOT a picture of our pumpkins, just some really cool ones we saw last night. The boys were not into carving pumpkins before Halloween this year. Perhaps being on vacation last week distracted from it. Maybe we will do it this weekend, just for fun and to roast the seeds!

We are taking it slow this weekend. Our day started off with eating candy and watching The Nightmare before Christmas. Steaks & smores’ are on the menu as we close out grilling season. After a week of drinking Sangria in Spain, we are going to mix it up and try an autumn version. Get the recipe here :: Sparkling Autumn Sangria.

In Europe we started Daylight Savings Time last weekend. In the USA, don’t forget to turn your clocks back tonight. Darkness by 6pm is not cool, but the extra hour of sleep is awesome! Enjoy the longer weekend!




this moment :: 31 october

{this moment}
 Capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments.
{inspired by :: soulemama}

With my toes in the sand, watching the four loves of my life so carefree and enjoying themselves…moments I will always hold close to my heart.

