April wrap up

April started off slow as we began the month enjoying a little break from our routines and celebrated Easter. Then life picked back up and the days seemed to fly off the calendar. Now, here we are already at the end of another month! Before we say goodbye to April, here are a few snapshots from our month.

This year the boys got a lot more creative with their egg coloring. We then headed outside and played ‘egg hunt’ for several hours as they took turns at hiding the eggs.

Despite the snow, the annual County Fair Kinderfest & Egg Hunt put on by Jay’s work was a huge success again this year. Yes, storm troopers and the Easter bunny!

Our fruit trees are in bloom. I am hoping for another great harvest year. It is really something to go into your own yard and pick apples, cherries, berries, and plums. A young walnut tree was planted into our yard this year, too! Despite my failed attempt to transplant them last fall, the Peonies are standing tall. It has become one of my favorite flowers.

The photo on the left was taken by Ari from his perspective. We call it ‘Bump in the Sky’. I can barely see my toes now as this bump gets bigger and BIGGER! Back aches and difficulty bending over are just a few of the joys of third trimester. I keep telling myself, ‘almost there’!

Andy will turn 7 next month!! Here he is being silly wearing Harry Potter glasses.


It has warmed up enough to enjoy one of our favorites eats, flammkuchen, at the castle on the hill above our house.

We encountered a flock of sheep grazing on our way to swim class. To see them up close like this is truly cool.

I was feeling kinda crafty one afternoon and decided to complete a project that has been sitting in the garage for awhile. More on this in an upcoming post.

Sending much love to all of you.




snapshots from the weekend :: spring is on our doorstep


treasure hunting :: I visited two of my favorite markets this weekend, the Pfenning bazaar & Homburg flea market and brought home a few lovely items.


in the garden {progress} :: gardening this year while leaning over a huge baby belly will take a little bit of patience and some endurance. but oh, what great meditation.


boys at play :: taking the turtles out on a sunny afternoon, hours of play with the ‘new’ dollhouse & goofing around with Ari.


grateful heart :: handfuls of these sweet little flowers from my boys.image


Although the official start of Spring is still a little over a week away, signs of its arrival are showing everywhere. Little green buds on tree branches, tulips, daffodils and crocuses pushing up through the thawing earth. The sun feels warmer and the air smells sweeter (except when a whiff of manure from the nearby farmer’s fields blows in!)
Spring is here, on our doorstep and I am ready to embrace it!



hello, November


November 1st!! 2014 is winding down and the holidays are upon us. As I write this to you, we officially have 53 days, 13 hours, 5 minutes, and 2 seconds until CHRISTMAS!!! Track it yourself here :: Days til Christmas

We have an official holiday here today. All businesses and retail shops are closed for Allerheiligen {Saints’ Day – All Hallows}, observed by Christians to remember and commemorate the dead. Family members living out of town try to returned to their villages. The day is typically started with church service in the morning, “Allerheiligen Gottesdienst”. The sermon has do with “all saints”, all those, past and present who live a godly life. At noon there is a big family dinner followed by a procession to the cemetery. People visit and spruce up the graves of their loved ones with flower arrangements, a floral heart, a wreath, or a cross made of evergreens and pines. A candle in a large glass jar is then lit and left to burn with the idea that light is necessary for illumination and to see God. Walking through a Friedhof {cemetery}, especially this time of the year, is quite a peaceful experience. In the afternoon, another family gathering takes place at home for “Kaffee und Kuchen” {cake and coffee}. Tomorrow morning begins All Souls’ Day, there is another church service and prayers for the dead.

Halloween was fun last night. Germans are starting to catch onto Halloween, but are not yet going house to house knocking on doors and asking for candy. So we headed to Baumholder and went to the Trunk or Treat event on base and then went door to door there in the housing area. The boys’ made out pretty well. I vowed this year not to sneak candy from their bags and so far I am doing pretty good. It helps that Ari has been so generous in wanting to feed me, letting me taste the candy he likes or just wants to get rid of! Here are some pics from last night.






IMG_3609This is NOT a picture of our pumpkins, just some really cool ones we saw last night. The boys were not into carving pumpkins before Halloween this year. Perhaps being on vacation last week distracted from it. Maybe we will do it this weekend, just for fun and to roast the seeds!

We are taking it slow this weekend. Our day started off with eating candy and watching The Nightmare before Christmas. Steaks & smores’ are on the menu as we close out grilling season. After a week of drinking Sangria in Spain, we are going to mix it up and try an autumn version. Get the recipe here :: Sparkling Autumn Sangria.

In Europe we started Daylight Savings Time last weekend. In the USA, don’t forget to turn your clocks back tonight. Darkness by 6pm is not cool, but the extra hour of sleep is awesome! Enjoy the longer weekend!




this moment :: 31 october

{this moment}
 Capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments.
{inspired by :: soulemama}

With my toes in the sand, watching the four loves of my life so carefree and enjoying themselves…moments I will always hold close to my heart.



this moment :: 24 october

{this moment}
 Capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
If you’re inspired to do the same, leave a link to your ‘moment’ in the comments.
{inspired by :: soulemama}

Lloret de Mar{iPhone5 video screenshot}


Earlier in the week we drove the coastal route from Girona to Barcelona, Spain through Costa Brava. We stopped along the way to explore one of the beautiful beaches near Lloret de Mar. The water was a dreamy blue and the crashing waves, or ‘high seas’ as the boys call it, were calling them in. We were totally unprepared as we only carried a few towels and snacks down the 15 minute footpath from the car. So, we stripped down to our undies and didn’t think twice since it was a ‘clothing optional’ bathing spot! It was a memorable afternoon in an amazing place.



from the archives :: {kinderwagen cruising}

Alex (3yo) & Andy (10mo) cruising the streets of Brussels, Belgium in the kinderwagen. || March 2009


Andy (28mo) relaxing in the stroller while Alex (5yo) pushes him in Florence, Italy. || September 2010


On a recent outing it occurred to me that I can not remember the last time we used our stroller or kinderwagen.  They have been packed away in storage, out of sight, for quite a while now.  The days of pushing a stroller around on the cobblestoned streets with my children on-board have passed and it saddens me a bit.  It is yet another entry on the growing list of things in our children’s lives that they have outgrown.  It is all going by so fast, but we will always be transported back to those times through our photographs and for that I am a grateful Mama.




snapshots :: september round-up













1 :: This summer, a love for wiffle ball was born (shirts, optional!). We enjoyed it even more with Epa sharing in the action.
2 :: Blackberry Pie. This pie…this delicious pie, was made with handpicked berries from our garden. Baked in a cream cheese crust , taken from the November 2012 Martha Stewart Living back issue. It was melt in your mouth good. With Ema at the helm, it was a combined labor of love. Noted :: Blackberry is Epa’s favorite pie.
3 :: This photo of the boys with Ema & Epa was snapped on an outing to Luisenpark :: a park with a combination of beautiful gardens, animals, playgrounds and of course beer gardens. The photo is now a framed keepsake from a wonderful time spent together.
4 :: A beautiful garden glass ornament that Ema and I made from glass collected on treasure hunting trips together and the local social verkauft (goodwill store). I adore how it looks by the pond.
5 :: Hazelnuts from a tree in our garden. Results from a homemade nutella experiment coming soon.
6 :: Back to school. Andy has proudly joined his brother at the German Grundschule (Primary School) in the neighboring village of Godelhausen. The transition for all the boys went remarkably smooth. Alex has been very patient & helpful showing Andy the ropes and Ari has happily stepped from his brother’s shadow at the kindergarten.  I can now swallow my anxiety ;)
7 :: Our grapevine was fruitful this year. So much so, that I’ve been giving grapes away by the bag full and freezing them for smoothies. If only I could make my own Riesling! A pear tree that was planted in our garden late last year gave us a few small pears to enjoy.
8 :: After kindergarten each afternoon I’ve been enjoying some special one on one time with this little guy while his brothers are still at school. Three going on Four makes for a fun, imaginative companion.
9 :: More goodness from our garden. This is the first of the three years we have lived in this house that our walnut tree has given us nuts. We are stocking up for our holiday baking.
10 :: I am most likely going to get clobbered for sharing this photo, but I just have to do it. Our last weekend was spent cleaning out the woodshed, bringing up wood from the garden that needed dryer conditions for seasoning and splitting, yes SPLITTING firewood. Jay did an amazing job as lumberjack. The boys sat cheering him on and went wild each time he’d split a piece of wood on the first swing. Bonus ::  Men’s Fitness claims it is a great way to carve out a six pack and cardio workout, burning 400-500 calories and hour.
11 :: My job in the firewood fiesta was stacking it all in the woodshed. Sorry, no pics of me in action. Looks like a big game of Jenga, huh?!
12 :: Yes, I think the stacked wood is pretty and I had to take another photo of it!  A cozy fire is in our near future.

As we say goodbye to September and hello to possibly my favorite month of the year, October, I will be posting again more frequently on this little blog.  October, for me, marks the start of the busy season with planning for the upcoming holidays and celebrations. I want to share what we are up to with all of you and hope you continue to enjoy email notifications of new posts in your inbox.  And as always, we love hearing from you!  Much love to all. xoxo

