snapshots from the weekend :: spring is on our doorstep


treasure hunting :: I visited two of my favorite markets this weekend, the Pfenning bazaar & Homburg flea market and brought home a few lovely items.


in the garden {progress} :: gardening this year while leaning over a huge baby belly will take a little bit of patience and some endurance. but oh, what great meditation.


boys at play :: taking the turtles out on a sunny afternoon, hours of play with the ‘new’ dollhouse & goofing around with Ari.


grateful heart :: handfuls of these sweet little flowers from my boys.image


Although the official start of Spring is still a little over a week away, signs of its arrival are showing everywhere. Little green buds on tree branches, tulips, daffodils and crocuses pushing up through the thawing earth. The sun feels warmer and the air smells sweeter (except when a whiff of manure from the nearby farmer’s fields blows in!)
Spring is here, on our doorstep and I am ready to embrace it!



snapshots from the weekend

Over the weekend we kicked off our Summer break. We were so fortunate to share it with our dear friends, the Cabrera family. What a fun, memorable weekend it was. Here’s a look at what we were up to.

::lunch at the Remiguisberg::

::an amazing evening with Bruce::

::slip n’ slide fun::

::smores and fire bread::

::treasure from Homburg::





a bazaar kind of day

The Rhine Ordinance Barracks Spring Bazaar opened yesterday kicking off the bazaar season. About 100 international vendors are at this year’s Spring Bazaar selling a variety of European goods, such as jewelry, polish pottery, rugs, antiques, tapestries, wine, and gourmet foods. I like to browse these bazaars as it is always interesting to see what the vendors are offering.


Andy's Polish Pottery


Just across town, another bazaar is also happening this weekend.

The Pfenning Bazaar is an annual event put on by the German American and International Women’s Club. The bazaar is held in the event hall at the Gartenshau in Kaiserslautern.  Items are sorted by type with tables for books, kitchen items, clothing, frames/wall art, sewing notions and toys to name a few. I stumbled upon this event last year. It was a fun one to shop so I made sure not to miss it this year.

Here are the goodies I picked up.  All for under 20Eur!




1::cork board covered in burlap 2::child’s wicker chair 3::wine basket 4::vintage Durfor green jars 5::Boltze Bazar bird candlestick holders 6::handmade bird with red berries stained glass 7::wooden shelves 8::wooden star candle stand


For those of you in the local area wanting to shop these bazaars this weekend, click the following links for more information.

Rhine Ordinance Barracks Bazaar
Pfenning Bazaar

