Andy’s 7th birthday party

The boys were out of school yesterday and today for the German holiday, Christi Himmelfahrt known in English as Ascension Day.   It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter Monday.  The name comes from the New Testament, where it is described how Jesus ascended to heaven having shown himself to his apostles 40 days after the resurrection.  The Germans also celebrate Vatertag – Father’s Day on this day.

With a break in the regular shuttling of the boys here and there, I had some time to go through the photos we took at Andy’s birthday party last weekend.  Andy invited 6 friends from school, nine boys in total makes for a rambunctious group!  We played games, ate yummy food and celebrated our Andy.  He received lovely gifts and thanked everyone with a hug.  This sweet boy of ours is all heart and soul.

Thanks to everyone who sent gifts and birthday wishes.  You helped make his day extra special and we truly appreciate your thoughtfulness.

I hope you enjoy this short slideshow I put together to share with you.




8 thoughts on “Andy’s 7th birthday party

  1. What a wonderful video!!! Wish I had been there…you throw a mean party, Mel!! Happy birthday, sweet Andy.

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