snowy days {winter 2014}

Happy 2015!

Here at Haus Etchell, we rang in the New Year with lots of eats, a dance party set to the New Years Eve mix on iTunes radio and loads of fireworks at midnight. The boys were champs making it to midnight and beyond as it took a while to unwind from the fun.

We are easing into the New Year with jammie home days. It has been so nice not to have any commitments or places we must be. I’ve been working to catch up on the monstrous piles of laundry, so we don’t have to wear these jammies out in public :) Yesterday we took the tree down and started packing away decorations. We usually wait until the 6th of January, Three Kings Day, but the tree was in sad shape. After Jay dragged it out of the house, we were left with a huge pile of dried needles to sweep up. It feels good to get the clean up started a little early. A fresh slate for 2015!

Last Saturday, we woke up to a foot or so of freshly fallen snow. The snow continued to fall throughout the day. We’ve enjoyed a beautiful white landscape all week.

sleddingTaking a break from sledding.

IfitisntyellowAlex’s motto is “If it isn’t yellow, I can eat it!” Hmmm!?

swingSwinging in the snow.

AndrewHe melts my heart.

Jamie&AriJamie was just as excited as the boys about the snow.



These are the moments to pause in, breathe in, and fully connect with…they pass all too quickly.

2014 was a great ride around the sun, we’ve got something big to look forward to in 2015!

Here’s to an amazing year!



4 thoughts on “snowy days {winter 2014}

  1. Such wonderful photos!! We had our first snow today. Barely an inch but still pretty. It’s supposed to be close to 60 degrees tomorrow so it’s certainly not going to last very long. Oh well. We’ve been enjoying some jammie days as well. Our tree is down as well. We had a pretty one but it was not in the best of health from the beginning so we knew it would be coming down earlier than usual. Happy new year to you and your beautiful family!!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  2. Happy New Year to everyone. Uncle Al and I had my sister & brother in law over New Years eve for an evening at home. It was nice munching on appetizers and playing games-surprising we all made it to midnight and beyond with them leaving at close to 2 AM!!
    New Years Day chilled at home and watched the great OSU victory late into the evening!!
    Again wishing everyone a happy & healthy 2015!! XOXO

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