December, already!?

I blinked and a page on the calendar turned…it is December already!?!? Three weeks until Christmas and only 28 days left in 2014! The lists I have scattered about are overwhelming. There is so much that must be done and so many things that I’d like to do. No doubt, it won’t all get done and I will have to be okay with that. Sometimes the self imposed pressures of memory making steals the joy and I just won’t let that happen. It is, after all, the most joyous season.


We kicked off the Advent season last Sunday by listening to Alex & Andy singing with their classmates at the Weihnachtsmarkt in Theisbergstegen. In this video you will see just how small their school is, almost of the students are in attendance!

Here is a link to last year’s Weihnachtsmarkt singing :: ’tis the season :: Theisbergstegen Weihnachtsmarkt

This morning, we woke to our first snowfall of the season. In fact, it is the first snow that we’ve had since March 2013. We missed out on the white stuff last winter. It seemed unfair to send the kiddos off to school when they were so excited. Sweet Andy sang “Mama, do you wanna build a snowman?” to me as I helped him put his snow boots on. We will do just that when they get home from school.
first snow fall 2014afirst snow fall 2014-1winterwonderland2014

I want to share my favorite desktop calendar for December with you. This one is from the lovely Oana Befort.


Click here for downloadable desktop or mobile versions :: Oana Befort December Calendar

Wishing you a lovely day.



3 thoughts on “December, already!?

  1. Such a lovely video …….seeing the boys and hearing children singing at Christmas time…..warms our hearts…..Aunt Ade and Uncle Larry

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